a tiny world of disproportionate curiosity;  a place where the traditions of art, fashion and theatre often coalesce in the surreal

06 June 2011

sign of the twins

It was my birthday yesterday 
and I had a wonderful day.

Here are some of my favourite twin images

It was really lovely to catch up with so 
many of my dear friends this weekend.

I feel blessed to have 
such beautiful people in my life.

Thank-you for all the wonderful gifts
and loving thoughts and words...

 I'd also like to wish a very

 Happy Birthday 

to all my fellow geminis... 
I know so many.

image sources:
1. unknown 2. Billy und Hells 3.Diabolus 
 4. Sarah Ogren 5.Theremina via flickr

more incredible twin shots on this blog


  1. Hi Anna,
    Hope you had a wonderful day....I knew it was around this time.
    Hope to catch you soon.
    Your old friend
    Sal xoxo

  2. Happy happy happy new year to you! May this year be filled with inspiration, joy, love, and laughter. xoxo Sasha
